Whilst we’re all stuck at home for the foreseeable future, we’d like to share some resources from the Helping Hand project including a manual for parents and some practical ideas to support your ADHD child in the home.

Our good friend Kevin Roberts is also hosting a free seminar on Friday, March 27th at 2pm GMT: ADHD Change The World – The Oskar Schindler Story.

Learn about the extraordinary life of Oskar Schindler and how the ADHD paradigm explains his successes and failures. You will come away with knowledge and practical tips to help your loved ones with ADHD make an impact on the world.

There’s limited spaces available, so register now at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJQtdO-gqz4s8LOJhhePcER8bxO92-kaWw.

We’ll be publishing more tips and extra information in the coming days about how we can support you through these difficult times. Keep yourselves safe and stay at home!

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Jen Malone · 18th June 2020 at 15:17

My 9 yr old son had struggled with routine change, confidence, anger and emotions since he was 4 years old in reception. I have been in and out of his school trying to seek help. But it feels they think he is badly behaved. I know he has certain triggers and once his emotions start it’s like he can’t control it, unless dealt with appropriately at the start and during. He often doesn’t remember what he has done if his anger goes to far. He is a very kind and good boy. Who really does just want to do the right thing. But sometimes struggles with this. How can I help him? I can’t be with him in school. But should he be assessed so school could understand and better support him? Please help.

    naomi · 20th November 2020 at 10:13

    Hi Jen, I am sorry to reply so late. As his mother you know your son best and can sense there is a problem that is more than wilful bad behaviour. You can discuss it with your GP and ask for a referral to CAMHS the child and adolescent mental health service, where they can assess for either ADHD or ASD autism spectrum disorder. Once we get our courses up and running again you would be most welcome to attend

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